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Logo Wörz Patentanwälte Living IP

We protect your Intellectual Property.

Patents. Trademarks. Designs.

View over Stuttgart

« He who does not invent, will disappear. He who does not patent, will lose. »

Erich Otto Häußer Former president of the German Patent Office
What we offer


We are your contact in all areas of national, European and international intellectual property protection, including the drafting, obtaining, defending and enforcing of intellectual property rights - patents or utility models, trademarks and designs.

  • Patents

    Patents and utility models are used to protect technical inventions. Inventions can concern substances, devices, processes and their use, with the last two points being reserved for patents.

    Patents have a maximum term of 20 years, utility models of 10 years.

  • Trademarks

    A trademark can be used to protect a name, a logo or an emblem of a company, a product or a service.

    In addition to word and figurative marks, slogans, the shape and presentation of a product, colour combinations or acoustic signals can also be protected.

  • Designs

    A design right can be used to protect the external appearance or design of an object or a part thereof, graphic symbols and typographic characters.

    The protection of a design is defined by illustrations (e.g., photographs, renderings, line drawings) of the object to be protected.

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For whom we work


We support both individual inventors and companies from small to large in a wide range of industries – on a national, European and worldwide level.

Who we are


With the help of our years of experience as patent attorneys, we protect your intellectual property effectively and efficiently and arm you in the best possible manner against the rampant theft of ideas.

  • Portrait Volker Wörz Volker Wörz Patent Attorney
  • Portrait Adrian Kreppel Adrian Kreppel Patent Attorney
More about us
Our location


We would be pleased to welcome you in our own office in the east of Stuttgart and to advise you personally on all matters on site.

View into the office How to find us